

 Respect for God and Life
 Respect for the Flag and the Country
 Respect for the Family
 Respect for the Instructor
 Respect for your Friends
Respect for Yourself
— Dr. Dennis Hanover


Krav Maga for civilians

Krav-Maga Was Originally Developed For The Entire Military Sector. This Is The Reason Why Standard Krav-Maga Training Is Addressed To As”Civilian”.

Krav Maga for women

Krav Maga has been developed to meet the specific needs and requirements of each type of individual. Krav Maga teaching and techniques for women are characterized by their effectiveness even from a position of physical disadvantage.

Krav Maga for children

Through Krav Maga training the children are taught how to recognize common threats like bullies and kidnappers. The training also aims to improve their self esteem, build confidence respect and discipline.

Krav Maga law enforcement

For All Sectors Of The Law Enforcement, Special forces and Counter-Terror Units, Including Ongoing And In-Service Programs! The law enforcement personnel’s job is literally – to enforce the law.

Krav Maga VIP

SWAT teams are different from normal law enforcement forces in that they deal with extremely difficult and volatile circumstances.


This unique self-defense system is being presented for the first time in Bulgaria by Mr.Amir Goren – one of the founders of the elite forces army. Currently a colonel in the army and the commander of the Anti-terrorism School there. During his professional career he has participated in numerous military operations and has led hundreds of anti-terrorist operations within the country and beyond its borders. Since the beginning of his career in the Military Defense Forces he has participated and taught a number of professional courses in special units, terror fighting, Security and VIP, etc. During his service he has accumulated a lot of experience in actual combat in special operations.


Krav Maga for civilians

Krav Maga for women

Krav Maga for children

KM law enforcement

Krav Maga VIP

Krav Maga human weapon


review1-compressor “My name is Ognyan Stanoev and have been doing martial arts for five years. I still remember with amazement the day that as I was walking the streets …” – Ognyan Stanoev
post2 “Krav Maga is not only a self defence system. Krav Maga is a real system that updates daily and has been proven to work under extreme situations. I have tried and trained couple of …” – Gabriel Kotev
post2 “Let me present myself. My name is Petya Yankova. In a few words I’m open minded, smiling person, that embrace life and love adventures. I started Krav Maga in July 2015. It was a time of my life when I needed to center myself, to focus and to  …” – Petya Yankova
post2 “Hello, my name is Teodor Ovcharov. No matter what I say about Krav Maga it wont be enough. One of the many things it teaches you, apart from many different self defense techniques of course, is discipline and respect. It teaches you how be a better  …” – Teodor Ovcharov

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“Together against school violence”

Krav Maga Survival Bulgaria participates in the project "Together Against School Violence" (2019-1-BG01-KA201-062329), funded by the European Union's "Erasmus+" Program

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